We have spiffed up our site to offer you better deals and a more convenient shopping experience. As you explore our products you will notice "Combine & Save" deals abound!
Now you will not only save money on vape essentials, but also save your most valuable asset - time! The time you save not searching around the site for the right accessory will bring your goodies to you faster, bringing more vape time into your life!
For those of you purchasing vaporizer whips, the correct size of screens are available at a discount on the whip product page, and will insure appropriate size is purchased. We know the screen size can be confusing and hopefully this will bring clarity.
If you are purchasing a vape pen, add on a discounted Vaporbrothers Skillet Heater to have as a back up. One thing to note here, we will assume you want the skillet to match the vape pen you are purchasing. If you would like a different color of skillet heater, let us know right away via our messaging system or give us a call.
As if it couldn't get any better, discount codes do apply to the already discounted Combine & Save items! Wow!
As always, we appreciate your business!
Keep on Vapin',
J, AJ, Rae