Much like the computer transition from desktop to laptop to smartphone, the hottest selling vaporizers today are portable. Vapor pens have the most appeal due to their slim, sexy look. But while a vapor pen is ideal for concentrates, they are not so great for dry leaf.
There have been a number of promising new dry leaf portable vaporizers recently released that include the Arizer Air, PAX 2, DaVinci Ascent, and two from Volcano creator Storz & Bickel: the Mighty and the Crafty. These are all great vaporizers but they come with a hefty price tag. Customers looking for a solid dry leaf portable vaporizer well under $200, there is the tried and true classic, the Magic Flight Launch Box.
Before the arrival of the aforementioned dry leaf portable vaporizers, the Magic Flight was always the one I recommended to customers. It is compact, silent, and can withstand being carted about in one's pocket. A big plus is that this little vape will last for years. These features coupled with the low price tag, means it is still the portable vaporizer that I recommend the most for dry leaf.
Don't be quick to dismiss the Launch Box at first glance. The rectangular wood box and double AA battery might not look as sleek and modern as a pen. But despite it's simple, organic look, there was a lot of thought, engineering, and love put into the design to make it an effective, efficient portable vaporizer.

Like almost every other vaporizer out there, the Magic Flight has a learning curve and this is where it looses some people that are quick to write off the Launch Box. With a little patience and technique (hint: read the very detailed instruction manual), the Launch Box will take you on a journey for less than half the price of it's next nearest competitor.
Be assured, the kind folks at Magic Flight do not rest on their laurels. They continue to release innovative products that capture the spirit of nature mixed with ancient mysticism. In the last year Magic Flight released the revamped Power Adapter 2.0 (shouldn't it now be 2.1?) and the alchemy inspired Orbiter bubbler for use with the Launch Box. These two additions to the Magic Flight family have elevated the Launch Box to a whole new level and secures it's spot as one of the best portable vaporizers for dry leaf.
Keep on Vapin',